
If you need planning permission, we recommend you consider using our planning advice service.

If you are considering delivering a strategic or major development in Lichfield District and want to find out more about a planning performance agreement (PPA), please contact our majors team

Before applying for planning advice, we recommend you double check you need planning permission first, as some projects, such as internal building alterations (unless you are in a listed building), may only require building regulations, which are handled by our building control service.

Our planning advice service cannot guarantee that your planning application will accepted - this is because we may not be aware of all issues at the planning advice stage, and won’t be able to consider any comments or responses that are made once an application has been submitted.

That said, it can help speed up the planning process as any potential problems can be highlighted before you submit your application. It could also save you money in the long-run.

Planning advice services cost from just £100 for householder applications.

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