Pre-apps for householders and non major applications

How much does a pre-app cost?

Advice type Cost
Householder and advertisements £63 + £42 extra per additional meeting (plus vat)
Change of use of land or buildings to a non-residential (dwelling) use. £270 + £60 extra per additional meeting (plus vat)
Minor developments - 1 to 4 dwellings; sites up to 0.49ha; up to 499sqm. £270 + £60 extra per additional meeting (plus vat)
Minor developments - 5 to 9 dwellings; sites of 0.5 to 0.99ha; 500 to 999sqm floor area. £540 + £120 extra per additional meeting (plus vat)

 All charges are inclusive of VAT and are non-refundable.


The following pre-application discussions do not incur a charge:

  • Planning discussions following enforcement investigation. Only the site where the breach of planning control has taken place / is under investigation is eligible.
  • Where the enquiry is made by a local authority or county council
  • Where the enquiry is made by a parish or town council
  • Where the development is for the direct benefit of a disabled person/s (and as such there would be no fee incurred to make a planning application)
  • Works in respect of tree preservation orders
  • Works to a listed building or in a conservation area, where no planning application fee would be required.
  • Advice about how to submit a planning application or a fee enquiry.


Strategic major developments and major developments (a) - includes up to 3 meetings and notes of meetings and 1 written response.

Major (b), minor developments (a & b) & change of use (non-residential) - includes up to 2 meetings, notes of meetings and 1 written response.

Householder & advertisements - includes 1 meeting and 1 written response. It does not however include a site meeting/site visit. If a site meeting/visit is required at any stage, the normal fee rate will be doubled. For any subsequent meetings / site visits and additional £42 is required per request.

One short follow-up clarification/query on the advice provided will be given otherwise a further pre-application query will be necessary, which would generate a further fee. All above basic charges are exclusive of VAT* and all fees are non-refundable. *VAT payable at current rate (20% at time of print/April 2022).

All above basic charges are exclusive of VAT* and all fees are non-refundable. 

If specialist external advice is required to provide a response, the rates will be charged based on the fees incurred by the council i.e. In relation to independent viability assessments or specialist agricultural advice required. Such fees are to be agreed between the two parties before specialist advice is sought.