Climate change resources hub

Habitat Havens

Lichfield District Council is working hard to support our environment and from May 2024 we are starting to launch Habitat Havens across the district.

The objective is to increase the local biodiversity and provide a sanctuary for wildlife and plant species; some of which struggle to thrive when strict mowing regimes are followed.

You might notice some areas around our parks and open spaces looking a bit wilder than usual. That's intentional and we are undertaking activity that is similar to councils up and down the country as we try and better support our environment.

You will see signs like this in the areas that will be our Habitat Havens so they will be easy to spot.

Habitat havens

We're letting these areas grow out to support a diverse range of plant life and provide homes for various species, from invertebrates to birds and small mammals. They will not be mown in line with our usual scheduling to allow nature to take hold in small places around out district.

The areas have been chosen as they are not places that are used for games or play and where the growing grasses and wildflowers will not negatively impact the surrounding area.


Habitat Haven Sites – maps for the locations for 2024

The Habitat Haven maps can be downloaded from our website.


  • Barn Close
  • Chaseview Park
  • Dove Close
  • Lawnswood Avenue
  • Mesnes Green
  • Millipond open space
  • Netherstowe open space
  • Redwood Park
  • Shortbutts Park
  • St Micheal's Island
  • Stour Close

Habit havens site