A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is an Order which can be used to impose conditions to control anti-social behaviour in a specified area or areas.

They are enforced by our authorised officers, Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and police officers. Each PSPO is reviewed every three years.


There is currently a PSPO in place around dog control. The PSPO is used to encourage responsible dog ownership and tackle the ongoing problem of dog fouling. The PSPO covers all public places in Lichfield District. 

The PSPO covers

  1. Dog fouling – requiring those in control of a dog to clear up after the animal and dispose of it responsibly.
  2. Exclusions - excluding dogs from entering the fenced off children’s play areas on public land as detailed in the PSPO
  3. Removal of dog fouling- requiring dog walkers to have with them an appropriate receptacle to pick up any dog fouling
  4. Dogs on leads - requiring a person in control of a dog to put it on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised person

Breaching the PSPO is a offence and can lead to a fixed penalty notice of £100 or a prosecution with a fine of up £1,000.

Dog Control PSPO