Guidance notes
Before applying online we recommend you read the following guidance notes.
Photo guidance
You must have before you apply online: a recent digital photograph that you can upload. This can be taken on a phone, but it must be:
- clear and in focus
- in colour
- unaltered by computer software
The digital photo must:
- contain no other objects or people
- be taken against a plain light-coloured background
- be in clear contrast to the background
- not have ‘red eye’ In your photo you must:
- be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera
- have a plain expression and your mouth closed
- have your eyes open and visible
- not have hair in front of your eyes
- not have a head covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)
- not have anything covering your face
- not have any shadows on your face or behind you
- do not wear sunglasses or tinted glasses. You can wear other glasses if you need to, but your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflection
DVLA check code
You must have before you apply online: your DVLA check code.
To get your eight digit DVLA code visit and enter your driver number. This is the 16 digit string of numbers/letters found at field 5 of your UK plastic card driving licence (as shown below - image courtesy of
Driving licence details
You must have before you apply online: your driving licence number and licence expiry date.
This includes your driver number (which is the 16 digit string of numbers/letters found at field 5) and the licence expiry date (which is found at field 4b) of your UK plastic card driving licence (as shown below - image courtesy of
National Insurance (NI) number
You must have before you apply online: your National Insurance number.
Your National Insurance number is on payslips, P60s, or letters about tax, pensions and benefits. You can also find it through your online personal tax account and download a confirmation letter.
If cannot find it, or cannot log into your personal tax account, call the National Insurance helpline on 0300 200 3500. They won’t tell you your National Insurance number over the phone. They’ll post it to you and it’ll arrive within 15 working days.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) update service
You must have before you apply online: if you are signed up to the DBS update service you will need your 12 digit DBS certificate number, which starts with 00. This can be found on the top right-hand side of your DBS certificate (see below - image courtesy of
- If you have a DBS certificate, but are not registered with the DBS update service, you will need to get a new DBS certificate (unless your certificate is less than 30 days old*). Please note you will be charged an additional £61.64 as part of your online application. You will also need to register for the update service, within 30 days of receiving your new certificate, which costs £16 per year. Find out about the update service.
- If you do not have a DBS certificate, you can still apply, but please note you will be charged an additional £61.64 as part of your online application. You will also need to register for the update service, within 30 days of receiving your new certificate, which costs £16 per year. Find out about the update service.
*If your certificate was issued less than 30 days ago, you can sign up for the DBS update service without ordering a new DBS certificate. The update service costs £16 per year. Find out about the update service.
Right to work in the UK
You must have before you apply online: either a ‘right to work code’ obtained from the Home Office or access to an original* document showing your right to work in the UK, even if you are a UK citizen. You do not need to upload this as part of the online application process, but you need to be able to bring it in to the District Council House at Frog Lane after you apply.
If you have a 'right to work code' please also have that to hand so you can enter it as part of your online application.
Evidence can include:
- A passport (current or expired) showing the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.
- A passport or passport card (current or expired) showing that the holder is a national of the Republic of Ireland.
- A current document issued by the Home Office to a family member of an EEA or Swiss citizen, and which indicates that the holder is permitted to stay in the United Kingdom indefinitely.
- A document issued by the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey or the Isle of Man, which has been verified as valid by the Home Office Employer Checking Service, showing that the holder has been granted unlimited leave to enter or remain under Appendix EU to the Jersey Immigration Rules, Appendix EU to the Immigration (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Rules 2008 or Appendix EU to the Isle of Man Immigration Rules.
- A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.
- A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.
- A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A birth or adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
If you are renewing your licence with us, we may not ask to see your evidence again.
*we cannot accept photocopies and need to see original documents.
Medical assessment
Drivers/applicants will need to provide a medical certificate following a DVLA Group 2 standard medical examination carried out by their own GP or another appropriate doctor:
- On initial application
- At every licence renewal application from age 45 (every 3 years)
- At age 65 and annually after that
- At any other time if a doctor determines that you require more frequent medical examinations
You can download the medical certification.
When a Group 2 medical is not required at renewal, the applicant must complete a self-declaration form with their renewal application to confirm that there have not been any changes to their health since the last medical examination.
Existing drivers aged under 45 will need to submit a Medical Certificate at next renewal, and then not again until their next renewal on reaching age 45.
Residential history
You must have before you apply online: your last five year's residential history.
If you have lived outside the UK in the past five years, for six months or more, we will also ask you to bring in a ‘certificate of good character’ from the relevant embassy/country after you apply - find out more. Once you have submitted your online application we will ask you to visit our offices to show us your certificate.
Driving assessment
If you are a new applicant, you will be required to take a driving assessment which costs £79.
Payment will be taken as part of the online form.
Once you have applied, your details will be passed to Staffordshire County Council who will contact you to arrange the driving assessment.
Do I need my old licence?
No, you do not need any details from your old licence, however we will ask you whether you hold an existing licence, either in Lichfield District or another area.
What about convictions, warnings, offences and cautions?
As part of the form we will ask you whether you have any convictions, warnings, offences and cautions. If you tell us you do, we will contact you once you have submitted your form to discuss them in further detail - we do not ask for details as part of the online form.
You will also be asked to sign a declaration to tell us that the information you have provided is truthful and accurate. Please note: giving a false declaration is a criminal offence and could jeopardise your application.
To find out read our policy on convictions, warnings, offences and cautions, visit our taxi policy and read appendix c.
You must have before you apply online: a credit or debit card to make a payment online.
We do not accept cash or cheque payments. Your payment must be made online as part of your application.
Any questions?
Email the licensing team or call 01543 308735.