Inspecting and maintaining trees on your land

If you are a landowner and have trees on your land, you are responsilble for the safe management of your trees*.

This means you need to take reasonable care to ensure your trees do not pose a threat to people or property, including people who may trespass onto your land.

If you are a tenant, we recommend you check your tenancy agreement and speak to your landlord. Normally the landlord will be responsible for any major maintenance and for ensuring the health and safety of trees on their land, however you may be responsible for routine maintenance. 

We recommended tree owners visually inspect their trees at least twice a year as follows:

  • Winter inspection - assess the structure of the tree.
  • Summer inspection - assess the health of the tree.  

If you have concerns about a tree on your land, we recommend you contact a tree specialist to provide advice and support, or speak to your landlord and ask them to do so. 

If a landowner is aware of a defect in a tree and damage subsequently results, they may be held liable for negligence.

*Occupiers Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984.