About the partnership

While it is recognised the police help to tackle and prevent crime, we believe we can make our communities even safer if we work together with businesses, statutory and voluntary agencies and take responsibility for our local area.
We are proud to be part of the Community Safety Partnership which works to make our district a safer place for everyone. The partnership was set up as a result of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which requires police, local authorities, fire and rescue, probation and clinical commissioning groups to work together to protect their local communities from crime and disorder.
The partnership aims to make Lichfield District a safe and welcoming place to live where individuals, neighbourhoods and communities take a sense of pride in where they live. We want our communities to look out for each other and feel supported when it comes to reporting crime. Each year the community safety partnership drafts a delivery plan outlining our priorities for the coming year and actions we intend to take.