Nominate a community asset

The community right to bid allows voluntary and community organisations to nominate privately and publicly owned assets for inclusion on a register of assets of community value.

We can only consider nominations from certain organisations including:

  • Parish and town councils.
  • Unincorporated bodies – with at least 21 individual members who appear on the electoral roll.
  • Neighbourhood forums – as described in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The following categories of Community Interest Groups (CIGS) with a local connection:

  • A charity.
  • A community interest company.
  • A company limited by guarantee that is non-profit distributing (in this context non-profit distributing means that any surplus is not distributed to its members, but is wholly or partly applied to our area, or to a neighbouring local authority area).
  • An industrial and provident society that is non-profit distributing.

To nominate an asset you need to complete a nomination form.

You will also need to demonstrate your group's local connection, and that its activities are wholly, or partly, concerned with the area or with a neighbouring authority’s area.

A nomination has to include:

  • The address of the property.
  • Details of the owner and current occupants.
  • The extent of the site and its proposed boundaries.
  • Why you feel it is an asset of community value.
  • Evidence of your eligibility to nominate.

Please email your completed nomination forms to or send them to:

Mark Hooper, Democratic & Legal Services, Lichfield District Council, District Council House, Frog Lane, Lichfield, WS13 6YU.

What happens after nomination?

We will decide whether or not to list an asset within eight weeks of a nomination submission.

As part of the process we will take all practicable steps to notify the owner and lawful occupants that we are considering listing the property and the outcome of the nomination. Depending on our decision here will also be a process for review and appeal.

The organisation which originally nominated the asset will also be notified of the outcome, together with reasons if the nomination was unsuccessful. 

Successful nominations 

Assets that are considered to be of community value are added to the list of assets of community value.

Assets remain on the list for five years, and a land charge will be registered against the property.

When the five years have expired, an eligible community organisation can submit a new nomination.

The organisation which originally nominated the asset will be notified if the asset is subsequently removed from the list, following a review of the decision.

Unsuccessful nominations

If the nominated asset is not considered to be an asset of community value, or if the nomination was ineligible, we will provide an explanation of why it was unsuccessful to the organisation which made the nomination.

In such circumstances, the property will be added to the list of assets of community value as an unsuccessful nomination and will remain on the list for five years.