Our safeguarding policy

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. As elected members, council employees and volunteers, we may go into people’s homes, deliver services to children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect or notice something which causes us concern when we are out about in the district.

Whatever our role, we may at some point come across possible abuse to children and young people and adults at risk. It is not our role as a district council to investigate any signs of abuse but we do have a responsibility to act if we have concerns and alert those who can look into those concerns.

This policy, along with the supporting procedures, guidance and training sets out our commitment to safeguarding, our roles and responsibilities and what we need to do if we have any concerns.

As individuals we may think we are unlikely to come across any signs of abuse but the policy, procedures and training will also raise our awareness of what to look out for so that we are better placed to pick up on indicators and behaviours should we come across them.

I hope all elected members, council employees and volunteers will take the time to read through this policy, the supporting procedures and guidance and participate in the training on offer.  

If any one of us can play a part in stopping abuse, then the impact of our action is invaluable.