Our safeguarding policy

Information sharing

All employees have a statutory obligation (Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000) to safeguard the confidentiality of personal information. The Data Protection Act 1998 does not preclude the sharing of information to provide an effective service or protect a person from harm, danger and abuse. Access to personal information should be on strict need-to-know basis when sharing information within the council and with other agencies.

Children and adults at risk have equal rights to confidentiality. If a child or adult at risk is making a disclosure, the employee, elected member or volunteer must always explain that some of this information will need to be shared with appropriate people and/or agencies.

Information sharing is essential in safeguarding children and protecting adults at risk. Guidance has been developed to help understand when, why and how information can be shared, confidently and appropriately. This guidance, including the ‘seven golden rules’ for information sharing is available on the SSCB website.

The key points to consider when sharing information are set out in Appendix H of the safeguarding children and adults at risk procedure.