Processes we've automated so far

Noise nuisance complaints form

  • We receive 10 noise complaints per week on average which are collated within one of our online forms.
  • The environmental health team need to create a customer case within a database for each complaint which then allows us to monitor activity to resolve the concern raised.
  • The automation delivers overnight keying of every application 365 days a year, meaning the team can start work straight away on the concern first thing the following day.
  • This process saves 65 hours a year process time.

Daily planning document upload

  • The planning robotic process runs overnight transferring documents that customers have submitted to support their planning application from the Planning Portal into the processing software.
  • As well as uploading the documents between two systems, the robot also identifies what the documents are and assigns them the correct title to allow the planning officers to quickly navigate through the documents.
  • The planning team can then start processing as soon as they start work the next day instead of opening each document, identifying it, manually uploading them and then allocating them to the right document type.
  • Not uploading large quantities of documents during the working day, which historically slowed down the planning system performance, has also helped the wider team.
  • This automation delivers 864 hours of capacity saving each year, allowing staff to focus on serving customers and processing planning applications.

Customer services data dashboard

  • Our robotics process helps to gather customer services system data from a variety of sources and feeds it into a PowerBI data dashboard to support operational and transformational decision making.  
  • The robot ensures the data is collected automatically each day providing up to date and accurate information to the management team. 
  • This enables quick decision making on resources and highlights service issues within the customer services team immediately.

Revenues and benefits process

  • Our revenues and benefits process runs overnight to upload documents for the team to process. 
  • The revenue and benefits process requires a critical level of accuracy to avoid issues with benefit payments - the automation ensures 100% accuracy which is not achievable with manual processing. 
  • The automation delivers 90 minutes of capacity savings every day, which equates to 390 hours a year, allowing staff to focus more on serving customers. 

Garden Waste data dashboard

  • Our garden waste subscriptions are monitored closely to ensure resources are in the right place at the right time.
  • The process involves a weekly collection of data that provides accurate and up to date information for teams in both Lichfield and Tamworth.
  • The automation delivers 30 mins of savings per week which equates 26 hours saved a year, but more importantly provides valuable data throughout the year.

The savings that we are achieving through automations means staff are able to provide more direct support to customers instead of keying data between systems. Our aim is to use automation in the right places to reduce data keying and provide teams with more efficient processes.