In the pipeline 

The team have a list of processes in the pipeline for delivery over the coming weeks and months including: 

  • Automating the missed bins website update process.
  • Uploading breach of planning regulations complaints directly into the back office system.
  • Upload of skin treatment data into back office system.
  • Trade waste annual billing – this will involve collating business waste data and sending out contracts and invoices annually automatically. This will remove the need to manually key information into letter and invoice templates saving over 200 hours of process time currently spent completing this activity. 
  • Producing data dashboards for teams across the council that are up to date and relevant. 
  • Loading planning pre application/ building control applications into the planning system.
  • High hedges – customers complete an online form that will then be automated to import directly into the back office system. 
  • More planning type submissions that will be automatically imported into back office system. 

We are keen to share our learning so far and to inspire other council teams to consider implementing robotics. 

If you would like to find out more, please fill in our website feedback form and our digital team will contact you.