Privacy notice with marketing sign-up

You will be asked to enter personal data as part of this online form. We will process the data you provide in this form to respond to your request.

How we will process your data
The law allows us to process your personal data in order to provide you with advice and keep you updated.

Will we share your data? 
The data you provide in the form will automatically be stored in our customer relationship management system in order that they can provide you with the relevant advice and respond to any queries you may have. It may also be shared with our health and safety, insurance, legal and finance teams as appropriate.  Depending on the nature of the advice sought, it may also be shared with external bodies, such as the Police/Fire Service/local parish councils and other relevant local bodies.

How long will we store your data?
Your personal data will be stored by the council for as long as is necessary to deliver you with the service you have requested, and for legally required period, after which point it will be deleted from our systems. If you set up a My Account, your data will be stored until you contact us to ask us to close down your account on your behalf.

Your rights in brief
You have the following rights: a right of access to your information, a right to correct inaccurate information, a right to restrict our processing of your data, a right to have your personal data erased or to object to any processing by us on public interest grounds. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact our Information team on 01543 308000.

Who is the data controller?
Lichfield District Council (District Council House, Frog Lane, Lichfield Staffs WS13 6YY, tel: 01543 308000) is the 
data controller.

Any questions or concerns?
If you any questions, please email our data protection officer at in the first instance, or if you have concerns about the way we have processed your personal data, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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